Why partner with the United Way?


Grow your customer base.

More than ever, doing good is good for business: 80 percent of Americans would switch to a brand that supports a cause and 72 percent would recommend that their friends do too, according to research by marketing giant Edelman.

Attract top employees.

Employees want to work for organizations that care - 81 percent say they weigh an organization’s contribution to social causes when they choose where to work.

Build teamwork and morale.

Working together to advance the common good builds employee and networking relationships that often transfer to work projects.

Partner with professionals.

United Way professionals have the time, experience and expertise to support your campaign and your company’s philanthropic goals.


Convenience and choice.

Payroll deduction, credit cards, and online giving are easy options that allow employees to give a little each month and make a big difference all year.

Give with confidence.

United Way itself meets the highest level of non-profit excellence set by charitable watchdog organizations. Programs supported by United Way’s local Community Impact Fund are carefully selected and monitored as doing the best job of meeting community needs.

Connect to services.

United Way is here to help. Helpfinder.org, free tax preparation, VolunteerEllisCounty.org, campaign and volunteer opportunities are just a few examples of services we offer.

Feel good.

Overwhelmingly, employees give because it “feels good to give back.”  


Better solutions.

We’re passionate about improving lives in Ellis County, so United Way looks at the big picture - not just one issue. Our focus is on long-term solutions through, education, financial stability, and healthy communities.